Saturday, March 10, 2012



(December 19, 2006, 11:27:19 PM)

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 50 51 52 [53] ??Go Down Hello Chess,

Your post here, as ever, is spot on.? And I also read that link that Maw gave us.? EXCELLENT coverage.? Intrigues me that misdirection needs so little effort.? And a certain Dr Vest - had a 'vested' interest.? LOL.? Couldn't resist the pun.?

I must agree as I found it to be very informative to anyone that hasn't received the news about this revolutionary new technology.? It's a lengthy article but the author covered a significant amount of ground for one "article".
I did notice the predictions concerning jobs in the energy sector/industry and I would have to agree with them.? New technology always carries the potential to wipe out an existing industry that quickly becomes obsolete (or unnecessary) due to advances in science.? Take the introduction of the telegraph, for example.? Think of all those people that lost their jobs with the Pony Express.? Their jobs were wiped out by a cheaper and better (faster) form of communication.
The only thing I disagree with is the prediction regarding a negative impact on our economy.? ?Like I have said all along; the more money the consumer has left after paying his energy bills, the more money he can spend on goods and services which stimulates our economy.? It also means that businesses will be able to save massive amounts of money allowing them to hire additional employees (creating even more jobs) and expand.
Another huge boost to our economy will be the stabilization of energy prices.? The oil cartels and the energy sector as a whole will never again be in a position to destabilize the entire economy and send negative shock waves through our financial system again.
Would saying goodbye to all of the nuclear power plants bother me greatly?? Not in the least.? They are all accidents waiting to happen (such as fukushima) and we are running out of room to hide (safely dispose of) all of the radioactive waste.


I love the fact that this news is spreading - AND FAST.? And I love it that it shows the EFFORT that's required to try and discredit a new technology.? And MORE TO THE POINT.? I love it that these technologies get revived.? ;D? ?NOTWITHSTANDING.? ;D? ?It speaks well of our natural inquisitive natures to find out the truth for ourselves.

And I still LOVE THIS THREAD.? Thanks for initiating Chess.? Cold Fusion is the best thing that's happened in the history of science? - BAR NONE.? We just need to see where all this will take us.? And I'm certainly up for the ride.

Kindest regards,

Free Energy - Freie Energie - energia libre -

Free Energy - Freie Energie - energia libre -

And of course, no one can put their hands on one or show anyone using an 'E-Cat' to power anything in the real world. Just like Steorn and 10,000 others. Rossi is really over the top though, with the constant updates on how he is refining his BS 'technology' and churning them out at the rate of 1,000,000 units per year in a fictional factory which, of course, no one has seen in action. Amazing.

Free Energy - Freie Energie - energia libre -

If you fail to understand why Andrea Rossi is forced to enter the market this way,
you really have a lot to learn about the difficulties to apply controversial inventions.
He is fighting a war not only against prejudices, but the organized opposition to changes as well.
He knows this is the only way to do it without going open source.
This is for real.? LENR and LANR is confirmed worldwide by a lot of independent instituitions, including MIT.
You are standing at a fork in the road. Update your information a bit more before you choose which road to take.
Otherwise your comments will risk being regarded as troll behaviour.

And of course, no one can put their hands on one...

Yes, you can put your hands on one for $1.5 million dollars.
Rossi is really over the top though, with the constant updates on how he is refining his BS 'technology'...

This technology (which you refer to as "BS technology") is already being endorsed by NASA so are you a credentialed scientist whose credentials are above that of the scientists at NASA??
Now, this is what REAL CREDENTIALED scientists are saying about LENR technology (I knew you would forever treasure these direct quotes so you're quite welcome in advance):
? ?
?Over 2 decades with over 100 experiments worldwide indicate LENR is real, much greater than chemical?? ?-Dennis M. Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center
?Energy density many orders of magnitude over chemical.? --Michael A. Nelson, NASA
?Total replacement of fossil fuels for everything but synthetic organic chemistry.? ?-Dr. Joseph M. Zawodny, NASA
LENR has been confirmed in hundreds of published scientific papers:
Can we see your PUBLISHED results, happyfunball?? I'm sure you have them with you somewhere...we'll be waiting? ::)

Free Energy - Freie Energie - energia libre -

Yes, you can put your hands on one for $1.5 million dollars.
This technology (which you refer to as "BS technology") is already being endorsed by NASA so are you a credentialed scientist whose credentials are above that of the scientists at NASA??
Now, this is what REAL CREDENTIALED scientists are saying about LENR technology (I knew you would forever treasure these direct quotes so you're quite welcome in advance):
? ?
?Over 2 decades with over 100 experiments worldwide indicate LENR is real, much greater than chemical?? ?-Dennis M. Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center
?Energy density many orders of magnitude over chemical.? --Michael A. Nelson, NASA
?Total replacement of fossil fuels for everything but synthetic organic chemistry.? ?-Dr. Joseph M. Zawodny, NASA
LENR has been confirmed in hundreds of published scientific papers:
Can we see your PUBLISHED results, happyfunball?? I'm sure you have them with you somewhere...we'll be waiting? ::)

Brilliantly answered Chess.? I looked at Happy's post and thought about replying - but didn't have the energy - nor anywhere near the skill with which you've managed this.? But Happy has always been somewhat pessimistic.? His name is a misnomer.? LOL.? You need to cheer up Happy.? Live up to your name.? There's all kinds of hopeful happenings - all over the place.? ?And Rossi's E-cat is most certainly my own preference.? The best reminder that I can find that there's a hope for our futures.

Well done Chess and nice to see Happy around even if he's still as morbid as ever.

Kindest regards,

Free Energy - Freie Energie - energia libre -

Yes, you can put your hands on one for $1.5 million dollars.
This technology (which you refer to as "BS technology") is already being endorsed by NASA so are you a credentialed scientist whose credentials are above that of the scientists at NASA??
Now, this is what REAL CREDENTIALED scientists are saying about LENR technology (I knew you would forever treasure these direct quotes so you're quite welcome in advance):
? ?
?Over 2 decades with over 100 experiments worldwide indicate LENR is real, much greater than chemical?? ?-Dennis M. Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center
?Energy density many orders of magnitude over chemical.? --Michael A. Nelson, NASA
?Total replacement of fossil fuels for everything but synthetic organic chemistry.? ?-Dr. Joseph M. Zawodny, NASA
LENR has been confirmed in hundreds of published scientific papers:
Can we see your PUBLISHED results, happyfunball?? I'm sure you have them with you somewhere...we'll be waiting? ::)

LOL $1,500,000.00 and no trace of one powering anything anywhere, but hey we have a bunch of meaningless quotes and worthless testing which might be worth $150.00 if you're selling jokes. Pure comedy.

Free Energy - Freie Energie - energia libre -

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