Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dragon Age: Reckoning.

Dragon Age: Reckoning.

The gray wardens are recruiting, will you be one of them. Play through the story of dragon age origins, but with others as well. (spots open)


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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.

Very, very, very interested.

"It's not that I believe people are generally bad in nature, it's that..I know it with every fiber of my cold dark being."

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I'd like to reserve a spot, then promptly rush off to brush up on my knowledge of the Qun. Everyone can use a female Bas Saarebas, yeah?

Edit: What are we looking at experience-wise towards starting? Just realized I'm going to have to plan spells a little carefully. Which brings up the questions, will specialization classes be playing a part? I can't think of anything more fear-inducing than a pissed of Qunari Arcane Warrior Blood Mage.

I like Vanships. And flying cruise ships with massive diesel engines. Steam is cool and all, but diesel.

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Characters can start specializations though they can't be too skilled at it. Of course a blood mage would have plenty of opportunities to improve her/his abilities on un-expecting bandits.

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Or Darkspawn -cough-Avernus-cough-. Might be fun to play with the taint. Woo, off to a good start. Now to not be lazy and actually do a profile..

Oh good a blood mage with a period the jokes are going to be horrendous at least once

So just be sure, we're not going say, in-game spell by in-game spell? Just generalized magic-ness, aye?

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yeah, just explain what is happening with the spell. no one likes being confined by the original game's abilities.

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And submitted. Yey Kossith. They are so lovely. Once you get past the attitude.

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bradley manning whoopi goldberg tebowing tebowing washington wizards rudy zynga

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