Monday, October 8, 2012

Romney vs Obama vs debate: Was the president drugged by a right-wing doctor?

Sunday, debate guru Brett O'Donnell reviewed President Obama's debate performance on Power Play with Chris Wallace. O'Donnell noted that during the debate the president seemed strangely unfocused, even oblique, and exhibited some genuinely bizarre body language. O'Donnell's trained eye noted Obama's avoidance went further than merely keeping his head down.

O'Donnell pointed out that standing behind a podium which "canted right," Obama deviated from this natural angle by physically turning his entire body to the left. Visually, Obama appeared reluctant to face the moderator, Jim Lehrer, the cameras or Mitt Romney. The result was Obama appeared to show what many would describe as a "cold shoulder" to the debate process.

While O'Donnell used soft terms such as "appeared to lack focus" or "distracted," others are suggesting perhaps President Obama was on drugs or medication. Immediately following the debate, the New York Times described Obama as "President Prozac."

A Lubbock, Texas news article, remarked that "Obama appeared to be fatigued and detached" and posited that a combination of both arrogance and medication or drugs had "brought him down." Saturday, an Obama apologist inferred the right-wing had sabotaged the president, asking, "Were medication errors involved in Obama's debate performance? Is a right-leaning MD behind the debacle, maybe?"

Obama has an admitted history of drug abuse and given his bewildering debate performance, speculation may not be so far-fetched; although, any suggestion that Obama might actually employ a right-wing physician should probably be pooh-poohed. Regarding the questions about whether Obama was "simply exhausted" or had "taken some medications or drugs in an attempt to improve his concentration, to boost his confidence, and possibly even to calm his nerves," it's true,"we will probably never know."

In the past, Democrats quickly claimed that Representative Hank Johnson was a victim of medication when he expressed his fears that "Guam would tip over from soldiers' extra weight," if 8000 Marines and their families moved to the island. At this time, neither drugs nor prescription medication has been mentioned by the Obama team as a reason that Mitt Romney reduced Obama to what some consider "mince-meat" in the debate.

While conservatives were pointing to Jim Lehrer's warning, "Mr. President, your time is up," as prophetic, critics were quick to place the blame on Lehrer, who is perhaps the most well-seasoned debate moderator known. They are claiming his hands-off approach failed to allow Obama to shine. To the contrary, the transcript of the debate spotlights several instances when Lehrer attempted to cue the president on his message, even to the point of providing him with actual phrases that Obama could use.

For instance, Lehrer clearly cued the president by saying, "Mr. President, you're saying in order to get it, the job done, it's got to be balanced." Obama responded, "If we're serious, we've got to take a balanced, responsible approach." In this case, Obama basically repeated Lehrer's helpful cue and then continued to expand upon it somewhat.

From this National Public Radio excerpt, it's readily apparent that though Lehrer did try handily to help Obama stay on track; he wasn't always successful. This example shows how Obama failed to focus and missed an opportunity that Lehrer tried so hard to provide him. Instead, Obama merely repeated what Lehrer said and allowed his opportunity to move to Romney:

"Mr. Lehrer: Mr. President.

President Obama: Well, we've had this discussion before.

Mr. Lehrer: No, about the idea that in order to reduce the deficit there has to be revenue in addition to cuts.

President Obama: There has to be revenue in addition to cuts. Now, Governor Romney has ruled out revenue. He's, he's ruled out revenue."

Obviously, there are no flattering reasons to explain why Obama was soundly trounced. Even for someone who is reaching desperately for a reason to excuse Obama's inability to defend his leadership during his term or to promote his leadership going forward, an evil right-wing doctor is quite a stretch. Drugs, either illegal or medicinal, aren't so easily dismissed.

Comedy star Bill Maher was one of the dismayed Obama donors who suggested the president was, indeed, on drugs, saying with despair, ?He looked tired. He had trouble getting his answers out. It looked like he took my million and spent it all on weed.?

In the meantime, the Obama team is ironically looking to an unlikely savior, Joe Biden, to rescue Obama in this week's debate against his GOP rival, Paul Ryan. Biden is gaffe-prone and not only called "jobs" a three-letter word, he recently claimed the middle class has been "buried" for the past four years." Overnight the presidential debates, once considered almost an after-thought that are seldom political game-changers, have morphed into must-see political events.


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